Pop-Up Exhibition: ‘The House of Refuge’: Constructing Fictional Architecture in Print

Who : Imogen Humphris
When : Friday 20th May 2016 7pm – 9:30pm
Where : East London Printmakers
This year Imogen Humphris has been working on the project key holder residency at East London Printmakers; working with a variety of etching techniques, she has explored the translation from her ‘conglomerate drawing’ method to ‘conglomerate printing’, producing new pieces constructed from multiple plate printing and paper cut out. As part of the ELP pop-up exhibition she will present some highlights in the journey from research to the creation of ‘The House of Refuge’.
Imogen Humphris is an illustrator and printmaker bringing together themes of conflict and poverty in the context of architecture and the built environment. From travel, formal research, and informal conversations she creates fictional buildings that represent real life experiences of communities in the throws of change. Her current project ‘The House of Refuge’ brings together spaces of hostility and sanctuary throughout the migration paths across Europe in a discursive exchange.