Wuon-Gean Ho | The Royal Mint Shengxiào Collection — Year of the Monkey 2016.
We are rather proud to mention that our extremely talented keyholder member Wuon-Gean Ho has created a coin for The Royal Mint Shengxiào Collection to celebrate wonderful Chinese traditions in a unique fusion of Chinese and British heritage. For 2016, artist Wuon-Gean Ho has created a dynamic design capturing the energy and agility of the quick-witted, sociable monkey, for the Lunar Year of the Monkey.
Wuon-Gean Ho is an artist and printmaker who has designed the Year of the Horse and Year of the Sheep coins as well as 2016’s Year of the Monkey. She looked at several videos of monkeys in action as research for her coin design, settling for a Rhesus monkey to work into her final design because of their elegance and intelligent nature.
Linocut is Wuon-Gean Ho’s preferred medium when working on new projects, she uses a special Japanese vinyl rather than a regular lino which is “a great medium for doing dynamic shapes and forms, and graphic silhouettes.”