East London Printmakers

Pete Shuttleworth

Pete was born in Kerala, South India. His earliest memories are sun-drenched and colourful. Returning to live in the UK was cold. Pete was sent to Catholic Boarding Schools for 11 years which didn’t make things much better. Art College seemed a much better plan. After a year at LCP, he studied Fine Art Textiles at Goldsmiths. He helped create Crossroads, a group show of installation sculpture in abandoned buildings around Kings Cross. Without a clear path to making any money with his art, Pete became a Runner in the Film Industry. Answering an advert in the Guardian, he worked for Mike Leigh on their film ‘Naked’. He then worked briefly with Chimps for PG Tips in Rome. He began making his own short films and supporting other film-makers and this brought him to the attention of Ridley Scott’s team. He was head hunted to join RSA and Black Dog films as a producer.  After nearly 5 years making Music Videos, Short Documentaries, and TV Commercials, he started his own production company. He wanted to enable young directors find a foot-hold in the Film Industry. After some awards and founding a second production company, he finally returned to the starting point - making his own artwork. Today he is a painter and screen-printer and lives in Brighton with his wife, two children, and Bonnie the Irish Terrier.

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