East London Printmakers


Hannah Luxton makes paintings, drawings and prints inspired by the 19th Century Romantic notion that a divine power resides within raw nature. Animistic currents run through the works, hinting towards a higher spiritual dimension. Animism intimates the attribution of a living soul to inanimate objects and natural phenomena, and belief in a supernatural power that organizes and animates the material universe. Luxton finds her subjects in her observations of the wilderness - the sun, the moon, stars, mountain tops, waterfalls, craters and ice caverns - condensing and abstracting each referent into an archetypal version of itself. Luxton studied her Masters the Slade School of Fine Art, UCL (2010-12) and her BA at Kingston University (2007-09). In 2022 she was elected into the prestigious art collective, The London Group (est. 1913). She is Director and curator of the window gallery, Glass Cloud Gallery, London. Luxton's work has received support and recognition from the Young Masters Art Prize (2023), Camden Council (2022, 2019), The Arts Council England (2020, 2018), The British Painting Prize (2019), Dentons Art Prize (2019), The Creekside Open (2017), Betty Malcolm Scholarship, UCL (2012), The Worshipful Company of Painter-Stainers and the Lynn Foundation (2011).

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