Claire Hynds
Claire Hynds’ work explores the changing aspects and views one experiences when moving through an urban space. Inspired by the Brute concrete architecture of London landmarks, a multitude of images have been brought together to impart the surfaces, textures and angles experienced when observing such buildings. In this work the notion of viewpoint is integral to the reading of the imagery. Observing the often-deserted walkways, stairwells and corridors of the Barbican, Hynds uses a multitude of viewpoints to impart a notion of isolation and unease whilst also convey a sense of being surrounded by these buildings. Hynds explores the possibilities of constructing space to make us see the familiar in a different light. Employing visual boundaries by referencing architectural blueprints, creating false perspectives, emphasizing the surface and texture of these structures, she challenges the viewers’ sense of place and space. Claire Hynds has exhibited throughout the UK and internationally and has work in permanent collections at the Victoria & Albert Museum, the Printmakers Council Archive and the National Museum and Gallery of Wales. Hynds was awarded an AHRB to study MA Multidisciplinary Printmaking at the University of the West of England. She is a member of the East London Printmakers and the Printmakers Council. A lecturer at Buckinghamshire New University, Morley College and City Lit, she divides her time between this and her studio.